Monday, July 20, 2009

stop n quit..

sorry i hv 2 jus..a fool..i tot learn alot during the time..i tot i grown...yea..but guess wat..2day..i suddenly realise..i grown..from a dirt..into a devil...a very..scary devil..i tot i changed into a better person..i really tot..i do..but..coz of the feelin..coz of the desire..i change..into a devil..all those posts from the past r all bull shits...shit pieces...i dun dare 2 face any1..i dun dare 2 look into ppl's eyes..i scare tat my dirty n scary face frighten ppl away..i dun dare 2 look how the worlds gonna walk away from me..i really wanna ask..wat the hell am i doin..wat the hell happened..y..y all these r happenin 2 me..i very very jealous bout the character in the japanese drama..y..y he got the chance 2 go bac 2 the past 2 correct things..y dun matter how hard i pray..4 wat i ask is jus a small little chance..but i'll never get it..god strike me..punish me..hatred all around was all wrong..bout as the time pass..u'll eventually 4get bout the whole thing..coz i found out it pass..the pain i gain is stronger n stronger..i wanna walk away..but my whole body is jus full of cuts n heart jus not complete piece anymor..its all bein riped apart..nth left..empty shell..i hate tat i dunno how 2 appretiate it..i hate tat i dun hv the strenght 2 change..i strugle hard..but in the end i get nth..i've lose...totally lose..a loser..nth else but jus a piece of shit..i lost my direction..i cant see my path..i dun see the light anymor..the sentence of urs sayin ''im the 1 who choose tis path,tats y i'll do it til the end..''..tat time i really wanna tell u..if u think like tat..y dun u continue wif me..since u'r the 1 who choose tis path..but without the words bein sayin from my mouth..i giv up..i dun wanna say anythin anymor..i giv up..i dun hv the strenght anymor 2 move on...there's no use 2 strugle..i jus wanna walk away quietly..silently..dun hv the courage 2 look up 2 the world again..nw..i'll jus continue like b4..oways live under the shadow world..n will never wake up..

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