Tuesday, July 21, 2009

a meaningful sentence..

" 深爱你的人都是天真的天使, 别一度伤害深爱你的人, 他们为了坚持自己的爱情把自己的雪白的翅膀给折断才能到人间守护你,
要是你伤害了他们, 他们就再也没有能力回到他们的原地!!"

lately i read bout an articles from the internet..n i found tis..hmm..jus hope every single 1 who is readin tis post will understand it..if a love life is so easy..it wont b called as love...coz of those hard time n arguements..tats wat make it perfect n special...but how many of them understand tis...do u..???i dun think so...

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